USUV Meetings and Votes - Term 7

From UltraVanilla

This article is a list of USUV meeting agendas, minutes and vote outcomes during seventh term.

Beeper was the chair, and Lez was vice-chair.

Note that meetings prior to LVIII do not use wikitable format as a vote to do this was only approved from this point onwards.

Meeting LIII, 6 May 2023, USUV HQ

Meeting LIV, 27 May 2023, Steambolt

Meeting LV, 17 June 2023, Evergreen

Meeting LVI, 8 July 2023, USUV HQ

Meeting LVII, 5 August 2023, Malbork

1 USUV 416 Icon.png Agendas and Minutes on Wiki Charter Change It was agreed that USUV Agendas and Minutes/Votes should be published on the wiki using table features.

This will speed up meeting preparation and improve accessibility.

2 USUV Portal Icon.png Nether Hub Portal Supplies Majority Vote It was agreed that each of the nether hubs should include chests for obsidian and flint and steel, plus instructions.

This will make it easier for new players to find new land to settle rather than using existing portals. A debate took place over the exact amounts of obsidian to be supplied, with 14 per player being agreed as this is enough to make one portal. This project was completed following the meeting.

3 USUV Network Icon.png Old Spawn New Roof Hub Debate At the time of the meeting there had yet to be any progress on Phase 3 of the Old Spawn Nether Revamp (new roof hub).

A debate was had in the style, and players suggested that the hub should be in the style of existing features of Old Spawn. Since the meeting, the new hub has been designed and built based on the original "Flair Hub" for Aurora.

4 USUV Quiz Icon.png UV Trivia Quiz Debate A UV trivia quiz has been proposed many times.

Players made several suggestions such as using Discord to host this or an ingame redstone machine, but a quiz on Kahoot was the most suggested option which will be looked into further. A game based on "Geoguessr" for UV locations has been trialed, but a general quiz is still to be attempted.

5 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate The NoBo project was discussed further, a final plan of which has now been published.

Expansion of the decorative railways around Spawn and Outpost locations was discussed. It was suggested that these railways should use ingame warps at stations for fast travel but this is outside of USUV remit.

6 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate Reallocation of empty and unused plots in Borealis was suggested, which falls under the authority of the Borealis Council.

Sin City shops were promoted.

Another auction was suggested.

The general state of the economy was discussed, with some suggesting not as many new shops are present any more, and others pointing out many players rely on personal farms for resources rather than shopping.

7 USUV Flag Icon.png Member State Promotion and Updates Debate Cyprus discussed progress on its Space Center, which will be used in an upcoming lore event. It has also completed "Stardust Tower" and is planning more towers.

Steambolt is slowly working on its builds.

Alliance City is planning its final events. Southern Hollow is planned to properly return in the near future.

Aquileia, a new settlement, requested visitors and possible provisional membership. This will be voted on at the next meeting.

8 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate Rotherhythe thanked players for attending Summer Showdown.

The Space lore event was asked to be explained, to which it was stated it will involve investigating a meteorite and that more info will be available soon. It will tie into a series of lore events and a grand finale.

Cyprus wishes to hold more events, possibly another Canon Day and PVP.

Alliance City will host another tennis tournament soon.

9 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate The next meeting in Naval Detroit was discussed, along with the fact it may be slightly unconventional due to the nature of the venue.

Malbork was thanksed for hosting.


Meeting LVIII, 26 August 2023, Naval Detroit

1 USUV Election Icon.png Chair and Vice-Chair Election Debate The time has come to announce the next election.

Between now and the next meeting candidate teams will be able to declare their intention to run.

Candidate teams who declared intention to run:

  • skitzxo and hanaryheatwave
  • kowcio_ and TheSecondLord
  • beeperbeeprer5 and Lez_

Candidates have until the next meeting to declare their intention to run.

2 USUV Clock Icon.png Fast Track-Membership Charter Change It was agreed that if certain settlements meet criteria, they may skip the provisional membership stage and be granted full membership. Criteria agreed was as follows:
  • The location already meets all full membership requirements.
  • The location achieves 50 points on the Development Scale.
  • The location was founded at least 3 months ago.
  • The location has had over 10 contributors.
  • 66% of USUV voters approve the fast track membership.

Should the location fail these criteria, it may still pursue the usual provisional membership route. This will speed up meeting preparation and improve accessibility.

3 USUV Star Icon.png Terni as Fast-Track Full Member Supermajority Vote Terni was granted fast-track USUV membership following the signing of a treaty with Southern Hollow bringing a long-running dispute to a close. This deal included membership of USUV. Passed
4 USUV Provisional Icon.png Aquileia as Provisional Member Majority Vote Aquileia was granted provisional membership after meeting the requirements to do so. Passed
5 USUV Network Icon.png Old Spawn Nether Revamp Phase 4 Majority Votes Phase 4 of the ongoing revamp of Old Spawn's was considered with the completion of the new nether hub. This phase will involves the creation of new highways. As each directional highway presents a unique challenge, this item has been split into several parts.

Phase 4 has now been completed since the meeting.


North "Ancient" Highway

A northern highway from the hub does not currently exist. It was agreed that a new highway is built in the standard UV highway style complete with banner markers etc, the theme of the highway will use overgrown mossy and greenish blocks.


East "Prismarine" Highway

The prismarine highway already exists as a tunnel highway. It was agreed that this highway is upgraded to the standard UV format complete with banner markers out to 1000 blocks from the hub, where it will merge with the existing tunnel, ensuring all of the distance portals and map rooms are maintained. The upgraded section will be in a very similar palette as an homage.


South "Cyprus" Highway

Cyprus is constructing its own highway in its own style leading south from the hub. However it has been agreed that banner markers and junctions can be constructed, pending approval from USUV.


West "Crimson" Highway

The crimson highway already exists as a tunnel highway. It was agreed that this highway is upgraded to the standard UV format complete with banner markers out to 1000 blocks from the hub, where it will merge with the existing tunnel, ensuring all of the distance portals and map rooms are maintained. The upgraded section will be in a very similar palette as an homage.

6 USUV Building Icon.png USUV Office of Theoretical Basket Weaving in Naval Detroit Majority Vote It was proposed that USUV should build a theoretical basket weaving office in the great city of Naval Detroit.

After a lengthy debate, it was decided that this does not fit the chaos and misery that is Naval Detroit.

7 USUV Other Icon.png is sosi gud? Local Vote Aquelia, AC, Cyprus, Darkshire and Scintilla agreed it was good.

Rotherhythe disagreed.

8 USUV Other Icon.png do sharks & camels kno about eachother Local Vote Terni, Aquelia, Solitude and Steambolt thought they know about each other.

AC, Cyprus, Darkshire, Malbork, Scintill and Rotherhythe doubted this sincerely.

9 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate The final version of the NoBo masterplan was discussed.

Aquelia suggested building a canal south of Eden to improve accessibility around Outpost. The new Old Spawn nether hub was promoted. Cyprus highway was promoted.

10 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate It was announced Stonks had been restocked with moss products and saplings, with dirt soon.

Terni's shopping district was briefly discussed.

11 USUV Flag Icon.png Member State Promotion and Updates Debate Cyprus discussed its "Age of Imperialism", including new farms, towers and other projects. It suggested aesthetic "warps" from Outpost railways.

Terni discussed several updates:

  • Expansions to the zoo.
  • Metro system.
  • New members of its council.
  • Solitude being a vassal state.

The Terni-Southern Hollow treaty and new border was briefly discussed.

AC is working on autumn decor and event planning as it enters its "sunset period".

12 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate AC discussed a possible Tennis Tournament.

The lore event in Cyprus was further mentioned, the first of four events leading up to a grand finale.

13 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate It was agreed the meeting venue should be condemned for being unconstitutional and generally crappy.

A slap-off event took place after the meeting.


Meeting LIX, 16 September 2023, USUV HQ

1 USUV Election Icon.png Chair and Vice-Chair Election Debate The candidates for the next election were announced as:
  • Kowcio_ and TheSecondLord
  • skitzxo and hanaryheatwave
  • beeperbeeper5 and Lez_

The election itself will take place at the next meeting.

2 USUV Star Icon.png Aquelia: Full Membership Majority Vote Aquileia was approved as a full USUV member state after meeting all requirements to do so. Passed
3 USUV Provisional Icon.png Pagasa City: Provisional Membership Majority Vote Pagasa City was approved for provisional membership after meeting the requirements to do so. Passed
4 USUV Network Icon.png Old Spawn Nether Revamp Phase 5 Majority Vote Phase 5 of the nether hub revamp was agreed to involve the creation of new branches, roof portals and bedrock holes to the old nether.

Notable locations will be given the following options to connect to the new system:

  • A new one-way portal on the roof.
  • A bedrock hole to connect with their existing portal.
  • Both a roof portal and and a bedrock hole.
  • Their own variant of the connection.

All existing portals and highways in the existing lower nether will not be changed.

Since the vote progress has started on contacting town owners and connecting notable locations to the new system.

5 USUV Awards Icon.png UV Awards Show 2023 Majority Votes The UV Awards Show will return for 2023. Several items need to be agreed in order to host this year's edition.

Date & Location: 31 December, Alliance City

It was agreed that Alliance City will host the event. Alliance City is planning a large finale event on December 31. AC wishes to integrate the Awards Show into this event at its brand new theatre to enhance both events and create a day to remember. Discussion of bundling of other such events with other town plans (such as Halloween and Christmas also took place).


Replacement of "Lifetime Achievement" Award

It was agreed that the Lifetime Achievement is would be removed due to it being not in the spirit of the awards show. It is proposed to replace this with a compliment sharing system where players can anonymously share compliments with each other which will be read at the awards.


5 Year Trophies

It was agreed to give out a large number of "Trophies" to many towns and projects across the server to celebrate the 5 year anniversary. Exact criteria for this are TBD later.


"Memory Lane"

As part of the event, it was agreed to create a "Memory Lane" exhibit which will celebrate historical events and contributions over the years.

6 USUV Museum Icon.png UV Galleries Trust Debate An explanation of the goals of the UV Galleries Trust was provided.

The goal of the project is to maintain and unify UV historical collections, such as galleries, museums and other such venues. There are plans to have a rotating exhibit system to share items between towns and locations, which will be an opt-in system. Players are welcome to get involved, and handouts were given to attendees.

7 USUV Calendar Icon.png Future meetings calendar Debate The future dates were agreed as:
  • 7 October - Alliance City
  • 28 October - Aquileia
  • 18 November - USUV HQ

Locations were decided according to charter rules. The Aquileia meeting was later moved to the 29th due to other events.

8 USUV Signs Icon.png Town Boards Debate Several discussions have taken place, particularly amongst the staff team, about improving town boards and navigation, and views from the wider server have been sought.

Some of the ideas discussed at the meeting included:

  • Somewhat standardising the layout of town boards.
  • Making it more clear which towns are active/recruiting.
  • Introducing a new building which would centralise town boards into one location, alongside existing boards.

The standardising (within reason) and simplifying of navigation was generally welcomed, a central location was generally seen as not necessary if the other improvements are delivered.

Reviving the Old Spawn town boards and bringing them up to standard with the other two regions was discussed, which will be brought forward at the next meeting.

9 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate Ice supplies were requested for the EGRK project.

The Outpost Horse Road between Steambolt and Rotherhythe is almost completed. An initiative to encourage building of pubs in towns was discussed, possibly with an event related to this.

10 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate A "Recycling Centre" shop was discussed which would essentially be a community storage with a "take something leave something" type of system.

The initiative to populate the wiki with more shop prices and the reward for doing so was promoted.

11 USUV Flag Icon.png Member State Promotion and Updates Debate Rotherhythe discussed its transition into autumntime, its harvest festival, and public housing.

AC has also seasonally transitioned, and mentioned that this would be its final time doing so. Projects are being put on hold to prepare for upcoming events. The AC/DC build is still planned but needs concrete supplies.

12 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate The upcoming lore events were discussed, "Space Recon", "The Launch", "Vault 99" and "The Finale". "Space Recon", the first chapter has since taken place in Cyprus.

A UV-themed game night was proposed. Pub quizzes were proposed.

13 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate The next OPC "revival meeting" was discussed.

The Comrades Union revival was also mentioned.


Meeting LX, 7 October 2023, Alliance City

1 USUV Election Icon.png Chair and Vice-Chair Election Ballot The election will now take place for the next Chair and Vice-Chair of USUV.

The candidates are:

  • Kowcio_ and TheSecondLord
  • skitzxo and hanaryheatwave
  • beeperbeeper5 and Lez_

Approval voting will be in effect.

xo and hanaryheatwave

elected by majority

2 USUV Signs Icon.png Old Spawn New Town Boards Majority Vote It is proposed to create new town boards at Old Spawn to allow for up to date information.

The historical boards will be kept in place, and any new boards would be in the same style to preserve the feel of the area.

Item Postponed
3 USUV Olympics Icon.png Duolympics Debate A new spinoff of the Olympics is proposed: the Duolympics.

This spinoff will involve all events being done in teams of two. Points such as the games, the format and dates will be discussed.

Item Postponed
4 USUV Election Icon.png Election Time Shortening Majority Vote It is proposed that the election process shall take place over two meetings instead of three, freeing up time on the agenda. This means candidates can declare they are running anytime up to the agenda is published for the election meeting.

NOTE: this change would not alter term length or the election process itself.

Item Postponed
5 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate Ice supplies were requested for the EGRK project.

The Outpost Horse Road between Steambolt and Rotherhythe is almost completed. An initiative to encourage building of pubs in towns was discussed, possibly with an event related to this.

Item Postponed
6 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate A "Recycling Centre" shop was discussed which would essentially be a community storage with a "take something leave something" type of system.

The initiative to populate the wiki with more shop prices and the reward for doing so was promoted.

Item Postponed
7 USUV Flag Icon.png Member State Promotion and Updates Debate Rotherhythe discussed its transition into autumntime, its harvest festival, and public housing.

AC has also seasonally transitioned, and mentioned that this would be its final time doing so. Projects are being put on hold to prepare for upcoming events. The AC/DC build is still planned but needs concrete supplies.

Item Postponed
8 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate The upcoming lore events were discussed, "Space Recon", "The Launch", "Vault 99" and "The Finale". "Space Recon", the first chapter has since taken place in Cyprus.

A UV-themed game night was proposed. Pub quizzes were proposed.

Item Postponed
9 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate The next OPC "revival meeting" was discussed.

The Comrades Union revival was also mentioned.

Item Postponed