USUV Bills

From UltraVanilla

The USUV has enacted a total of 10 bills, all of them stored in Level 2 of the USUV HQ in the eastern hallway. This page transcribes all the physical bills into digital form.

Links and clarifying details are added for convenience; spelling mistakes and other errors are kept and appended with a (sic).

While the contents of this page are nearly copy-pasted from in-game, the original versions always take president. This can be used as a backup in case any of the originals are lost.

Noteworthy Mentions

  • It seems the first 3 bills were signed at the same meeting, and their contents were copy-pasted between each other. Thus, the ending page of the book has the exact same spelling error on the date.
  • Bills 4-9 were skipped, and seem to be lost to time. Please refer to the current Archivist or Acting Chair if the bills are found.

USUV Bill #1 | Founding Members

This bill outlines who counts as founding members of the USUV.

USUV Bill #2 | Frequency and Times of Meetings

This bill outlines when meetings take place. This bill is still followed to this day, but the "two weeks" part was changed to 3 weeks later on.

USUV Bill #3 | Locations of Meetings

This bill outlines where meetings take place. This bill is not followed anymore, and has been mostly phased out.

USUV Bill #10 | Sanctions

This bill outlines how the USUV applies sactions and what sactions specifically entails.