Olympic All-Stars

From UltraVanilla

The first Olympic spinoff event, All-Stars was a 2 day event involving 10 games. The spin on the rules this time was the disallowing of teams, with individuals competing alone in all events, to find who was the best all-rounder.

The Overall Champion was Eraxa

These Olympics followed a point system as follows: 1st place = 3pts. 2nd place = 2pts. 3rd place = 1pt. 4th+ = 0 pts.


Results & Calendar

Eraxa 1st 14pts
UCP_TheKingK 2nd 10pts
PazinGaming 3rd 8pts
Kowcio_ 4th 6pts
beeperbeeper5 5th 5pts
Mattesco 6th 4pts
_Huge_Male_ 7th 3pts
Manaateee 8th 2pts
MattieHD 8th 2pts
Smashic 8th 2pts
TheSecondLord 8th 2pts
Jimb0nat0r 12th 1pt
Lez_ 12th 1pt

Event Location Date Originally Featured
Pod Race Condor's Nest Icon.png Condor's Nest 26 November 2022 First UV Olympics
Connect 4 WestHaven Icon.png WestHaven 26 November 2022 First UV Olympics
Leaf Spleef Southern Hollow Icon.PNG Southern Hollow 26 November 2022 First UV Olympics
Sumo Æopa Icon.png Æopa 26 November 2022 Second UV Olympics
Scavenger Hunt EverFae Icon.png EverFae 26 November 2022 Second UV Olympics
Tennis Alliance City Icon.png Alliance City 27 November 2022 Second UV Olympics
Strider Race Evergreen Icon.png Evergreen 27 November 2022 Third UV Olympics
Ice Hockey Rotherhythe Icon.png Rotherhythe 27 November 2022 Second & Third UV Olympics
PVP Bow Game Cyprus Icon.png Cyprus 27 November 2022 Third UV Olympics
Slap-Off Naval Detroit Icon.png Naval Detroit 27 November 2022 All Olympics Editions


The Events of All-Stars were a collection of old games from previous mainline Olympic editions. No new games were added.

Day 1 - Pod Race - Condor's Nest

Originally featured in the first Olympics, Pod race is an elytra race around a course in the settlement. Contestants all raced together completing 3 laps before landing for a finish.

Day 1 - Connect 4 - Westhaven

Originally featured in the first Olympics, Connect 4 is a strategy game based on the real tabletop game. Players drop powdered concrete into a grid in turns, with the winner being the first to link 4 in a row. This game is played in a bracket structure

Day 1 - Leaf Spleef - Southern Hollow

Originally featured in the first Olympics, Leaf Spleef is a strategy dropper game where players are on layers of leafs with shears. Players will fight to drop their opponents by breaking the ground beneath them with the last one standing winning. This game is played in a heat structure.

Day 1 - Sumo - Æopa

Originally featured in the second Olympics, Sumo is a game where players punch eachother on a raised platform. To win, players must punch their opponent off the ring or kill them. This game is played in a bracket structure.

Day 1 - Scavanger Hunt - Everfae

Originally featured in the second Olympics, Scavenger hunt is a game where players search around the town of Everfae to find a series of items. The winner is the first player to find all 5 in the time limit.

Day 2 - Tennis - Alliance City

Originally featured in the second Olympics, Tennis is a game where players are armed with bows. They take one turn each to shoot and run. The shooting player must hit the running player and vice versa. The first player to die loses the match. This game is played in a bracket structure.

Day 2 - Strider Racing - Evergreen

Originally featured in the third Olympics, Strider Racing is a game where players ride striders around a course. The game is played in a heat structure where 2 heats of 5 race and the top 2 of each heat go to the final. The first to cross the finish line wins.

Day 2 - Ice Hockey - Rotherhythe

Originally featured in the second Olympics, and returning in the third, Ice Hockey is a game where 2 players punch a player around an ice rink and dunk them into the opposite goal. Players have fishing rods to allow both punching and pulling of the puck and their opponent. This game is played in a bracket structure.

Day 2 - PVP Bow Game - Cyprus

Originally featured in the third Olympics, PVP Bow game involves players fighting with bows and conventional weaponry in the Cyprus arena. The game is played in a bracket structure.

Day 2 - Slap off 3.0 - Naval Detroit

Originally featuring in all Olympic Editions, Slap off is a game that is always evolving. Players are placed in the arena with nothing to work with. They can loot chests for whatever was left behind in the previous tournament. Players can craft weaponry or punch opponents. The last player standing wins.