
From UltraVanilla

About the town


Seacrestica was founded on the 19th January of 2024 by the player Niklas (aka. Niklas20114552), who wanted to build an underwater town. It sits on the bottom of an ocean.

Building style

There is no official building style. Just try to make your building not look that far out of place


Early days

Seacrestica was founded by one player who wanted to build something different than the usual towns. He didn't really appreciate it that many towns have buildings that look very similar.

Originally the town was temporally called "Project SeaVille", but was changed to "Seacrestica" later.

For the first month, the only member was Niklas. Other players were invited though the notice board at spawn, but no players was explicitly invited.

The first building constructed was the town hall, which is the building in the picture below. Shortly after that the tree farm was constructed.

The town hall in it's final design
The tree farm with grown spruce trees

6 months in

Seacrestica now is a member in USUV. A few weeks before the meeting where Seacrestica was welcomed in USUV, was the USUV Meeting Hall finished.

Then a cooperation with Pagasa City and Buck was started building the minecart connection between Pagasa City and Seacrestica together, known as the UltraStar 1 and 2 line by Seacrestica Transports.

View of Seacrestica from the water surface (16.06.2024)
USUV Meeting hall

Black board



  • 1/19/24 - Town is founded
  • 5/10/24 - Seacrestica was given a Dynmap marker
  • 6/1/24 - Seacrestica has joined USUV
  • 6/11/24 - Seacrestica now has 2 members!

Member list

  • MartyManPro