USUV Meetings and Votes - Term 8

From UltraVanilla

This article is a list of USUV meeting agendas, minutes and vote outcomes during eighth term.

xo was the chair, and hanaryheatwave was vice-chair.

Meeting LXI x OPC VI, 29 October 2023, Aquileia

1 USUV Signs Icon.png Old Spawn New Town Boards Public Ballot - All attendees vote It is proposed to create new town boards at Old Spawn to allow for up to date information.

The historical boards will be kept in place, and any new boards would be in the same style to preserve the feel of the area.

2 USUV Olympics Icon.png Duolympics Debate A new spinoff of the Olympics is under planning the Duolympics.

This spinoff will involve all events being done in teams of two. Discussions will take place regarding the announcement and how towns can create minigames for the event

3 USUV Election Icon.png Election Time Shortening Majority Vote - USUV Members only It is proposed that the election process shall take place over two meetings instead of three, freeing up time on the agenda. This means candidates can declare they are running anytime up to the agenda is published for the election meeting.

NOTE: this change would not alter term length or the election process itself.

4 USUV Other Icon.png OPC Transition Debate A motion and discussion on what the future goals for the OPC Should be that could provide benefit to all players even beyond the Outpost N/A
5 USUV Market Icon.png Outpost farming zone Debate A wider discussion on the previously mentioned community farming site in the Outpost. The wider community is invited to mention any concern or points they wish to raise N/A
6 USUV Network Icon.png OPE Construction work Promotion A reminder of the ongoing work to complete the Outpost tunnel network to make towns more accessible N/A
7 USUV Calendar Icon.png Future OPC Hosts Debate An invitation for hosts in the Outpost to host future meetings for
  • December 2
  • January 6
8 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate Hyp gave update on NoBo, more work still needs to be done N/A
9 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate Lordpipe asked for more finance towards the "USUV economic data fund" N/A
10 USUV Flag Icon.png Attendee town promotions Debate Aquileia is rapidly expanding, evergreen is neat N/A
11 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate Talk about the 2023 Christmas Festival N/A
12 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate Discuss any other mentions. N/A

Meeting LXII, 11 November 2023, USUV HQ

1 USUV Provisional Icon.png Christmas Festival Statement Mattesco talked about the Christmas Festival N/A
2 USUV Provisional Icon.png Dìxià Chéng : Provisional Membership Majority Vote - USUV Members only Dìxià Chéng provisional membership was approved. Passed
3 USUV Signs Icon.png USUV economic data funding Majority Vote It was asked for USUV to give more funds towards the USUV economic data funds.

It is a reward for people who update the UV wiki with market prices

The reward for updating wiki prices is now 2 diamonds per submission and the budget of the donation (192 diamonds) was entirely donated by KowCio

4 USUV Olympics Icon.png Duolympics Debate Talks about the UV Olympics which will be held the weekend after this meeting - This is a last call to fill the last 2 event slots N/A
5 USUV Calendar Icon.png Future meetings calendar Debate The future date are :

- 9 December 2023 at Illyria

- 30 December at Rotherhythe

- 20 January 2024 at USUV HQ

6 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate - NOBO is still seeking helpers, plot allocation will start when construction is finished

- Outpost Highway need workers - Community Market construction is open to volunteers

7 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate N/A N/A
8 USUV Flag Icon.png Member State Promotion and Updates Debate - Steambolt is going into hibernation soon

- Totemia has been in hibernation - aquileia has a southern expansion area planned for farming purposes. mostly underground. highway connection coming soon

9 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate - Beeper's lore event happening the day after the meeting

- CNY event will be talked during the next meeting - People can now request for market stalls for the christmas festival

10 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate - xo started expending the agenda archive since space has run out N/A

Meeting LXIII, 9 December 2023, Illyria

1 USUV Other Icon.png Charter simplification Debate It was proposed to make a version of the charter that's simpler N/A
2 USUV Calendar Icon.png Official Elections Statement The Elections for Treasurer, Head of Security, Archivist, Reporter, Judge and Postmaster will be during the next meeting so there will be a quick explanation of each roles and what they do. Candidates can declare if they're running and for what role in the discord channel

they have until when the agenda for the 64th meeting is published to declare their candidature.

3 USUV Star Icon.png Dixia Cheng : Full Membership Majority Vote Dixia Cheng was given a full USUV member state after meeting all requirements to do so. Passed
4 USUV Election Icon.png Christmas Festival Donation Proposal Majority Vote - USUV Members only it was votedto give 222 diamonds toward the Christmas Festival Fundraiser, USUV member made the initial donation bigger by donating themselves as well N/A
5 USUV Election Icon.png Gratitude Statement A celebrations of players who marked UV N/A
6 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate NYE SPECTACULAR 4 has been announced

The UV Awards Show is currently uncertain, help is needed Grand prix happening the day after at Roth CNY event looking for hosts

7 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate N/A N/A
8 USUV Flag Icon.png Member State Promotion and Updates Debate dixia was congratulated for becoming an USUV Member, Roth membership will be debated, N/A
9 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate Matt will talk about the Christmas Festival N/A
10 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate N/A

Meeting LXIV, 30 December 2023, Rotherhythe

1 USUV Calendar Icon.png Midterms Elections Ballot Elections for the various USUV roles Here's the Registered candidates
Reporter Matt
Head of Security Lordpipe
Archivist Reno
Archivist Beeper
Treasurer Lez
Treasurer Beeper
Judge Bliss
postmaster Mattie
postmaster Cio
Election results:

Reporter Mattesco

Security Lordpipe

Archivist Reno

Treasurer Beeper

Judge Bliss

Postmaster MattieHD

2 USUV Star Icon.png 2024 USUV expectations Debate Simple Discussion about what people expect and want from usuv for the coming year.

Summary of the debate:Matt suggested the water around around USUV HQ be named 'Loot Lake' Beeper suggests multiple options to be suggested and a ballot vote decided.

Jack suggested funding community projects. Reno and Matt agreed and said USUV should reach out more to community projects to offer support rather than waiting to be asked for help/funds.

Beeper wants more multi stage things to be done through USUV (nether highway, HQ, and the roads) as they worked well being done in phases, rather than an ambiguous overarching vision.

3 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate Matt states the spawn railways are entering their next stage of refurbishment.

Cio has expanded the North Outpost main highway; it should be around twice as long.

Beeper raises north spawn one to be done properly at some point out to out to cloud city & stams.

4 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate Birdhouse opening soon in NoBo.

There is a new shop in SinCity with unique currency, quests and stock.

NoBo is completed and plots can be claimed.

Matt is making a special UV Anniversary set of outfits for Voyage.

5 USUV Flag Icon.png Member State Promotion and Updates Debate 31 Dec will be AC's final day in its current form.

Roth RP begins January 27th.

Steambolt is getting improvements to the North side, with other buildings set to follow.

Aquileia has big plans for 2024; more info in their discord channel.

6 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate Lordpipe will do a server tour Jan 3.

NYE Spectacular 4 and the conlcusion to the Torino Saga takes place 31 Dec.

January 27th is Matt's Final Voyage event. Details to follow.

7 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate Rotherhythe withdraws its membership from USUV, but are willing to interact with USUV until the Rotherhythe Role Play begins.

This was the closest meeting to UV's 5th anniversary, so Beeper gave a shoutout to every signle town over the years.

Cio was assassinated by a falling anvil; sanctions were called for.


Meeting LXV, 27 January 2024, Solitude

a special meeting happened on this day to change the charter

Meeting LXVI, 3 February 2024, USUV HQ

1 USUV Election Icon.png Charter Change Charter Change The current chair decided to propose a new charter to make things simpler, you can find this charter pinned in the USUV channel in the UV discord

It was agreed that a line be added to add a line that makes it clear players can only represent one settlements during a meeting

2 USUV Star Icon.png Chair and Vice-Chair elections candidacy Debate The time has come to announce the next elections.

Between now and the next meeting candidate teams will be able to declare their intention to run.

3 USUV Calendar Icon.png Future meetings calendar Debate The proposed dates are :
  • 24 February - Dixia Cheng
  • 16 March - Vault11
  • 6 April - USUV HQ
4 USUV Election Icon.png Treasurer - Vote of no confidence Majority Vote As the Treasurer (now called Projects and Funds Coordinator) is inactive and no long able to fulfil their duties, members voted to remove them from their post to trigger an election.

Players may now declare their candidacy for the Projects and Funds Coordinator in #usuv channel. Their term will be shorter to realign with the midterm elections.

5 USUV Star Icon.png future Olympics ideas Debate
  • Evergreen will host strider race
  • Steambolt will host competitive mining
  • Vault 11 will continue dragon dodgebolt for the olympics

Evergreen highlights the Olympics thread in ⁠#projects-and-events to help plan.

Chair asked staff team if they could help in finding someone to replace matt to organise the olympics.

6 USUV Calendar Icon.png CNY Event Statement Mattie updated us about the CNY event
  • CNY red envelope signup is closing in a few days, sign up at spawn docks by the 6th!
  • CNY dragon dodgebolt will open in a day of two
  • Advent calendar is done and located in Dixia Cheng (spawn)
  • Food hunt is still being prepared
  • Fireworks show is cut
  • Screen comp is ongoing
7 USUV Star Icon.png Naming the sea around USUV HQ Ballot Debate and ballot for a new name for the sea surrounding the USUV HQ

There wasn't much enthusiasm among members present for naming the sea around USUV HQ. Evergreen state's they're open to naming lake if there's a strong suggestion / desire in the future but not atm. Dxc and V11 agreed.

Members voted to suspend the Item 7 ballot (PASSED)

8 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate Fireworks supply chests for all 3 roof hubs
  • Members voted to give 16DB. (PASSED)
  • Solitude donated 2 shulks of rockets, and 14DB.
  • Evergreen jinxed the chair.
  • DXC and V11 donated 14DB each for community rockets.

Outpost Horse Road network is seeing strong expansion, route to Illyria roughed out and connection between EG and Roth currently in the works. Other towns have plans for the network.

There is a list of projects in the outpost channel, Byz is open to any help that can be provided for them. The chair encourages Byz to request USUV assistance if there is a need.

9 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate Discuss market and trade.
  • CNY armour sets released with more in the set to come. Buy in Roth shop.
  • Mattie announced lucky draw for max enchant netherite sets of cny armour. Signup in the CNY buil in Dixia cheng.
  • Chair noted that Prism is also doing a good job.
10 USUV Flag Icon.png Member State Promotion and Updates Debate Members can promote and update us on their settlements.
  • Evergreen continues to be cool
  • Solitude continuing to expand fast
  • v11 will undergo a small closure for the main parts of the vault.
  • The Mattesco suite is done in v11
11 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate Discuss event

Mattie would like to host a small event for lantern festival, probably at the end of Feb.

12 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate Discuss any other business.

No other business was mentioned.


Meeting LXVII, 24 February 2024, Dixia Cheng

1 USUV Election Icon.png Chair and Vice-Chair elections Majority Vote The elections for chair and vice chairs are here.

The only candidates are karlkaek and xo. If this vote was to fail, the future of USUV will be determined during the meeting

xo and karlkaek elected
2 USUV Election Icon.png projects and Funds coordinator Elections Majority Vote As the Treasurer (now called Projects and Funds Coordinator) is inactive and no long able to fulfil their duties, members voted to remove them from their post to trigger an election.

The candidate is MattieHD

MattieHD elected
3 USUV Calendar Icon.png Extend the Meeting frequency Majority Vote - USUV Members only It is proposed to extend the frequency of meetings to make it monthly, it would allow better organizations

DXC asked if this would be the last Saturday of every month Scintilla concerned about months that don’t have Saturdays, like Jebuary. Illyria proposes every 6 weeks Chair proposes meetings be held on the 2nd Saturday of every month. Members were reminded we can change the frequency or agree to one-off meetings when our needs change. Vote held on changing meetings to 2nd Saturday of every month

4 USUV Projects Icon.png Highways and Community Projects Debate Discuss Highways and Community Projects

Outpost D-loop is complete. Pagasa and Illyria routes need upgrades. Work continues on the Terni canal. The chair reminds members they can request funds. Funds can be used to pay people to help with the building work.

5 USUV Market Icon.png Market and Trade Debate Discuss Market and Trade N/A
6 USUV Flag Icon.png Member State Promotion and Updates Debate Discuss Member State Promotion and Updates

Solitude HQ building fast, but currently on pause.

7 USUV Events Icon.png Events Debate Discuss event

DXC asks about the olympics. It is confirmed we have 3 games. Staff were asked if they found someone to organise the event, but they haven’t yet. Lordpipe says the will be more agressive in finding someone to run the event closer to summer when the server is more active.

8 USUV Other Icon.png Any Other Business Debate Discuss any other business.

xo thanked members for electing her another term. dxc congratulated xo on completing her first term as chair.