This article is a list of USUV meeting agendas, minutes and vote outcomes during the third term.
Beeper was the chair, and Spacewardharpey7 was vice-chair.
Note that meetings prior to LVIII do not use wikitable format as a vote to do this was only approved from this point onwards.
Meeting XXI, 6 June 2021, Waterthorn
Meeting 21 Minutes and Votes
Meeting XXII, 26 June 2021, Cloud City
Meeting 22 Minutes and Votes
Meeting XXIII, 17 July 2021, Alliance City
Meeting 23 Minutes and Votes
Discord Test Meeting, 31 July 2021
Discord Meeting 1 Minutes and Votes
Meeting XXIV, 14 August 2021, Southern Hollow
Meeting 24 Minutes and Votes
Meeting XXV, 4 September 2021, USUV HQ
Meeting 25 Minutes and Votes
Meeting XXVI, 26 September 2021, Shakatori
Meeting 26 Minutes and Votes
Meeting XXVII, 16 October 2021, Burzum
Meeting 27 Minutes and Votes
Meeting XXVIII, 7 November 2021, USUV HQ
Meeting 28 Minutes and Votes