TheSecondLord's Base

From UltraVanilla

This article is part of the Rotherhythe Wiki articles collection


TheSecondLord's base is a castle structure located North East of Old Spawn.


Until April 2022, The castle served as the main home of TheSecondLord, being where his storage was located until the Rotherhythe storage room was built.

The Castle also hosted the original Ice Hockey rink, buried in an ice cavern deep beneath the base, and accessible via interior hallways. This ice design was later referenced in the Talla Olimpigaech hockey hall.

Numerous artefacts, books, and arts were retrieved from the structure, and will soon go on display in the Rotherhythe Library & Museum.


This article may be missing information relating to the structure, as this article Was not Written by TheSecondLord, it will not include every detail to this structure.


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