From UltraVanilla

MOTD stands for Message of the Day. It is a message that is shown under the server name on the server list ingame. It changes every day.

Note that formatting is not shown for the messages below.

Survival Server MOTDs

B A R R E L is God
Hope nobody attacks the USUV meeting…
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Birch Town?
Connect 4 and chill
Old spawn??? Don't you mean OG spawn!
Game Night™
Vanilla but ULTRA
Not a snacc. But do be looking like one doe :eyes:
Now without lettuce
Hey [random player], [random player] wants to tell you something.
Alliance City has Horse Cave
Welcome... to heck...
Wait why are you scrolling up
Ah yes, %player, my favorite player...
Welcome home elite GAMERS
Pastry Chef Attempts To Make Gourmet Mahoose
Now for a message from Techno: You are amazing!!!!
I bet you're getting pretty tired of these... >:)
Scintilla with another sale...
The origin of 416 is classified.
Sometimes it rains FISH
Visit Alliance City for capitalism, visit Cara for communism
Cloud City is tall, EverFae is magical
Who is Spaghettatron?
Naval Detroit - High Class Living for High Class Citizens
Your message goes here
Hey %player%, %player% was looking for you…
A Minecraft Server?
Now with a TRULY dedicated server!
What did you expect?
Congradulations to %player...! R.I.P.
*Slaps server* this baby can get slapped
Hello, epic department?
Warcrimes will be punished with fondue
Terni: nuked? it's less likely than you think... unless?
Valhalla is cold, Waterthorn is wet, Terni ris warm
The best 1.12 anarchy server in existence.
Hip hop flip flop i shop at the Jop
Yo. Hows your day?
idk what to put here, think of something yourself!
Sorry if it makes you cry, but all we got is pizza pie
Hydrate or die-drate
::::ı ....ı ı- ı.... ı:ı:: :=- ı:ı:: ı:::: ı-ı ....ı ....ı ı:ı::

Creative Server MOTDs

Problems? Pester lordpipe or Beeper
Non-zero chance of this server exploding
Creative and chill
Vanilla but CREATIVE
Not a snacc. But do be looking like one doe :eyes:
Now without survival
Hey [random player], [random player] wants to show you something.
Welcome... to even greater heck...
Wait why aren't you scrolling up
Ah yes, %player, an average player...
Welcome home to something else elite GAMERS
These messages sound familar...
The origin of 641 is classified.
Sometimes it rains the tears of programmers
Who is Josie?
OUR message goes here
Hey %player%, %player% was never looking for you…
A Creative Minecraft Server?
Now with a TRULY dedicated server! We mean it!
What did you expect? Survival?
Congradulations to %player...! You won nothing!
*Slaps server* this baby can get slapped. oh no it broke
Hello, ULTRA department?
Warcrimes will be rewarded with cake
The best 1.16 survival server in existence.
Yo. Hows your day? Terrible!
please suggest better MOTDs
Sorry if it makes you smile, but maybe come back in a while
Hydrate for migrate
ULTRAVNILLA SURVIVAL SERVER. mayb go there? :eyes:

MOTD Requests

You may suggest new MOTDs in the table below. Please follow these rules for MOTD requests:

  • If you wish to have parts of the message formatted (colors etc), say how in the notes column.
  • No NSFW suggestions.
  • Keep your message short otherwise it may not be fully readable on the server list.
  • References to things on or associated with the server are preferable!
  • Try to avoid things already mentioned in an existing MOTD.
MOTD message Creative or Survival? Notes
goodness this sure is an example message Survival I want it all in BOLD and RED because that's COOL ('example' can be green)
Balotelli.... AGUERROOOOOOO Survival ‎ manchester city color scheme
You'll never find a server like this ever again, so play it, drink it in! Survival ‎ "Ever again" in red. play it in blue.
404: MOTD Not found ‎Survival '404: MOTD Not found' in red,
YOUR MOTD HERE! - Submit at! Survival ‎ "Your", "here" and "at" in a light blue. "MOTD" in lime and "" in orange
The Server is a lie! ‎Survival 'lie' in purple. the rest in white
Water = Wet. Wet ≠ Water Survival‎ Everything in light aqua please